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Texas Water Development Board solicits agricultural water conservation grant applications

For immediate release. Contact: Media Relations at 512-463-5129

AUSTIN (July 15, 2014) The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) annually publishes a request for grant applications for agricultural water conservation projects. The TWDB is currently soliciting applications for projects from eligible political subdivisions and state agencies.

Available funding includes $1.5 million for cost share of metering equipment in groundwater conservation districts that have rules requiring metering of groundwater withdrawals and $600,000 for water use measurement and irrigation system improvement projects.

Applications are due by noon on September 10, 2014, with anticipated award date in November 2014. The request for applications and application instructions (http://www.twdb.texas.gov/about/contract_admin/rfq/RFA_AgGrants.asp) can be viewed online.

TWDB will host a webinar about the application process and grant contract management later this summer. Watch the TWDB website for details.

Since the program began in 1985, TWDB has distributed over $100 million in agricultural water conservation grants and loans throughout Texas. These projects implement agricultural conservation strategies in the state water plan, demonstrate best management practices, provide water conservation outreach and education, and develop new technologies that improve irrigation management.

A critical piece of the 2012 State Water Plan, conservation accounts for one-third of the total water supply volume generated by strategies in the Plan.

For more information, contact the TWDB Agricultural Water Conservation Team at 512-936-6090 or agconservation@twdb.texas.gov. The TWDB Agricultural Water Conservation webpage also provides information about the agency's programs and examples of projects previously funded through the TWDB Agricultural Water Conservation Grants Program.

The TWDB is the state agency charged with collecting and disseminating water-related data, assisting with regional planning, and preparing the state water plan for the development of the state's water resources. The TWDB administers cost-effective financial assistance programs for the construction of water supply, wastewater treatment, flood control, and agricultural water conservation projects.