Texas Water Development Board approves $75 million to the Sabine River Authority (Orange and Newton counties) for water system improvements
For immediate release. Contact: Media Relations at 512-463-5129
AUSTIN – (July 21, 2016) – The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) today approved by resolution financial assistance in the amount of a $75 million multi-year loan from the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) program* to the Sabine River Authority (Orange and Newton counties). The Authority will use the assistance to finance the planning, acquisition, design, and construction costs associated with water system improvements.
The Authority will use the assistance to construct an 85-million-gallon-per-day raw water pump station along the Sabine River. The new pump station will eliminate the need to release water from Toledo Bend Reservoir during periods of low flow at the river. To accommodate future pumping expansion, certain elements of the pump station will be designed and constructed with a capacity of 285 million gallons per day. The project also includes the construction of approximately eight miles of pipeline to transport the diverted water.
*The SWIFT program includes two funds, the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) and the State Water Implementation Revenue Fund for Texas (SWIRFT). Revenue bonds for the program are issued through SWIRFT.
The TWDB is the state agency charged with collecting and disseminating water-related data, assisting with regional planning, and preparing the state water plan for the development of the state's water resources. The TWDB administers cost-effective financial assistance programs for the construction of water supply, wastewater treatment, flood control, and agricultural water conservation projects.