TWDB Board members on the Water for Texas 2021 conference Posted on September 30, 2021
TWDB Chairwoman Brooke Paup on Water for Texas 2021
"Well, howdy. I'm Chairwoman Brooke Paup. I was so thrilled to be able to come together for this Water for Texas conference in 2021. We were a little nervous it wasn't going to happen because of COVID, but our TWDB staff really brought it home. A tremendous job. The panels were exceptional. I got to host the high-tech panel, which we had some very thoughtful conversations with Dell and Samsung about what the high-tech community really needs with water sustainability. I think my favorite part of this conference was the ability of all the industry to come together and just have a conversation about the future of Texas water. Not adversarial, just like a really good chat. And I think that there's a tremendous value in having these hard conversations as a community."
This article is posted in Water Planning / Water Data .